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  • Arise and reclaim your rightful place of Dominion

    When we give our lives to Christ, our rightful place in God’s kingdom is restored to us, but this can only happen if we are Born Again. You often hear that we are all God’s children, but the truth is we are His creation until we have chosen to accept His Son, Jesus Christ, into our hearts as our Lord and Savior. Let’s explore what the scriptures teach us about this highly debated statement. In the beginning, God created Man in His image, and according to Genesis 1:26 – Adam had dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. Dominion in Merriam-Websters dictionary is to have supreme authority over what has been given to you and rights to govern or rule or determine it. God entrusted Adam with His beloved creation, giving him dominion over it. Until, one day, Adam, feeling secure in himself, unaware of his spiritual vulnerability, lost everything by disobeying God. In an instant, his relationship with God was destroyed and his dominion ripped away. Satan used his most cunning method to influence Adam, and he uses the same method against us today to get us off track, deceit, but that’s not what I want to discuss today. I want to talk about taking back our rightful place in God. The Bible says when Adam sinned, he became spiritually dead, and God planned to restore His relationship with His creation. For this reason, Jesus was sent to die on the cross for us. When we accept Christ into our lives we are Born Again of the spirit and the dominion we lost through Adam is restored. It’s a miraculous thing that occurs because now we have life in the Son. Ephesians 2:1-2 tells us: And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience. God never intended us to struggle as His Children. We belong to Him, and because we do, we have dominion and authority in the name of Jesus! Deuteronomy 28:13 tells us: And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them. This blog is inspired by Pastor Tamar Olmedo Martinez who preached this sermon at our Sunday night service. Sources Merriam-Webster Dictionary BibleGateway NKJV First Lady’s Birthday Celebration (Celebración del Cumpleaños de la Pastora) ® #Man #dominion #female #inthebeginning #woman #inheritance #male #power #authority

  • Ultimate Sacrifice: Christ’s Atonement for Our Freedom

    This past week we celebrated the 4th of July, and it was a bit nostalgic for me. The fireworks took me back to my childhood and to a time when the family would get together to celebrate Independence Day. A day where many celebrate freedom, but in reality, they were not. My Pastor once said, “You don’t have to be in prison to be in bondage.” Today, I want to discuss the price Jesus paid on Calvary so that you and I could enjoy a life of Spiritual Freedom. I don’t know about you, but I gave my life to Jesus as an adult, and I came bound by many things. Not only was I enslaved by drugs and alcohol, but I was also mentally imprisoned and found no peace. Although I grew up in the “say no to drugs” era, I found myself on the other side of those videos they showed us in school. Satan, being the deceiver that he is, will tell you not to worry because you can quit whenever you want. Sadly, how many are in this world living in bondage because they too believed the same lie? The bible tells us in Mark 3:27; that no one can enter a strong man’s house and rob him unless he first binds the strong man.” Jesus explained in this parable that Satan is the strong man who guards what belongs to him, but Jesus defeated the strong man by casting him out, doing this through His death and resurrection. Now, Jesus Christ, is the Strong Man in our lives, guarding what belongs to Him, giving us access to the Father and filling our lives with peace. 1 John 3:8 tells us, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” You see true freedom comes from living a life surrendered to Him and seeking Him daily so that transformation can continue in our lives. Which strong man is living in you? Jesus tells us in John 8:36; Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. He took it upon Himself to pay the ultimate price for our freedom. We must believe what He’s done on the cross and receive it by faith. As we celebrate our nation’s Independence Day, let us also remember the freedom we have in Christ. Sources: #spiritual #JesusChrist #happiness #battle #Change #Independence #freedom #setfree #powerofGod #reallife

  • 27th Revival Anniversary Recap

    Brownsville Revival, in Pensacola Florida. This was a powerful time in the Lord and proved what God can do in the hearts of Men and Women who want change in their lives and are tired of living religiously. We had three days filled with powerful preachings and memories of everything God has done throughout the years. This revival brought curiosity in the heart of our Pastor who was desperate to hear from God. He went with an open heart and a great expectation to receive from his visit. He was amazed at what he had seen, people waiting 14 hours to get into a 6 pm service, they would even stand in the rain because they were hungry for an encounter with the Lord, and nothing would stop them from receiving. While Pastor was at this revival, all he could think about was his family and church. At one of the services a prophecy was given to a Pastor who had been praying for revival, and God was sending him home with power that would transform his church! Our Pastor received that prophecy for himself. Now it was time to return home, Pastor left with hope that God would glorify Himself as He said He would. While on the plane home all Pastor could do was cry, remembering the power of God he had experienced at the revival. He wanted God to break the religious chains that bound His people and bring liberty like never before. That afternoon, when we saw Pastor, his face shone like Moses after he came down the mountain after being in the presence of the Lord. Just thinking about it brings joy to my heart! That day was life-changing! Revival came to our church, and religious chains were broken. From a church that rarely lifted their hands in worship and said amen hallelujah, they were dancing, worshipping, and audibly giving glory to God. The Lord began to save souls, set people free from drugs and alcoholism, and restore families and marriages. Revival didn’t come and go; it’s still here! The fire of God, His many signs and wonders has never stopped. On day 3 of our celebrations, Pastor Deanna Olmedo gave a powerful word from Zachariah 4:1-2; Zerubbabel was awakened by an Angel who woke him up from his sleep, (slumber) and asked him, what do you see? What do we see in the future for our nation, for our city, and for our families and future generations? The Lord is speaking to us, not just our church but to the body of Christ. He says in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “IF MY PEOPLE” who are called by My name would humble themselves and pray and seek my face and repent from their wicked ways; then He will hear from Heaven, he would forgive their sin and heal their land. Remember the question I asked? What do you see in the future for our nation, and our families? Turning back to God and giving our hearts to Jesus is what our nation needs: revival. It’s time to awaken from our spiritual slumber. Links to our Revival Anniversary services: Day One: Redeemed Redeemed Part Two Day Two: What Do You Have to Give What Do You Have to Give Part Two Day Three: If My People… Then will I Send the Rain? #revival #holyspirit #Growth #Water #Change #blog #powerofGod #Transformation #FireofGod #Anniversary

  • Embracing Purpose: Our Roadmap After Accepting Christ

    In Deuteronomy 10, the Hebrew people had left Egypt and had been in the wilderness for a while. They had just witnessed their leader, Moses, ascend the mountain with two stone tablets to be with the Lord. After being alone with the Lord, He told Moses it was time for them to begin their journey to possess the land He had promised to give his forefathers. Accepting Christ into our lives is just the beginning of our journey. First, the wilderness is a place of trial for us as believers and is not a bad place to be in our walk because it draws us closer to the Lord and makes us trust Him more. We see God providing everything they needed to survive the elements of the desert. By day He gave them a pillar of cloud to shade them from the scorching sun and a pillar of fire by night to give them light and warmth during the desert cold, as well as water and manna. Remember the two stone tablets. While on the mountain, God gave Moses specific instructions that we must apply to our own lives. In verse 12, Moses stands before the people just like our Pastor does and tells them they must fear the Lord, this is a reverent fear for Him. The Lord required them to fear Him by obeying the Laws He had given Moses. This is the Word of God that transforms our minds and changes our hearts. He knew our old mindset had to change to reach our Promised Land. Next, He requires us to walk in all His ways through His word. I once learned in Sunday School that the Bible meant: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. If one considers, everything necessary for reaching our spiritual Promised Land (Heaven) is found in the Bible. Therefore, we are called to love Him above our own life. This means we now walk to do His will and not our own. But this part won’t happen if we don’t do the first two. The wilderness is where change happens, it’s a pattern for transformation, and during our trials in the wilderness, He reveals Himself to us, and we develop a deeper trust in Him. Now, we are ready to serve Him by serving in our church and serving others. Matthew 20:28 tells us the “Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Jesus is God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth and He did not come thinking about Himself. Think about it. They are in the wilderness, some are on donkeys, even horses with carriages, while others are walking famished from the heat. We serve others by helping them in their journey. Maybe we give them encouraging words like, “Come on you can do it, we’re almost there.” God has called us to this spiritual journey and wants us to know the only way we are going to make it to our Promised Land is if we follow these specific instructions. But, that’s not all! Deuteronomy 11:19 tells us “We shall teach them to our children,” These instructions are passed down through generations, and are never-ending. This is our purpose and our call. Remember: He took us out of bondage and made us free. Yes, the journey may be tiring, but if we want to make it, we have to follow His leading. There is no one else in this world who can show us the way, but the Way Himself. Together, we can make it. Photo Source by: #holyspirit #Journey #Commandments #ICER #theLord #blog #Preparation #Jesus

  • The Holy Spirit: Our Best Personal Trainer

    Most, if not all of us, have seen the Rocky movies. In the first film(s), we are introduced to his trainer, Mickey. He was a former Bantamweights fighter who managed the gym Rocky would sometimes go to train at. Mickey saw something in Rocky that he knew training, conditioning, and discipline would make him the best fighter ever, but Rocky felt like he did not need anyone’s help, a modern-day know-it-all, and most of the time it was because of his stubbornness and pride. Today, I’d like to discuss how the Holy Spirit is life’s daily trainer. Upon accepting Christ into our hearts, the Holy Spirit takes up residence within us and grants us access to the Father. The Holy Spirit perceives us differently from how others or even we see ourselves, envisioning our potential and what God can accomplish through us if we yield to His guidance and training. The Holy Spirit is like our personal trainer, teaching us the best techniques and defenses to overcome life’s challenges, battles, and struggles. In Ephesians 6:11-13, the Bible advises us to “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.” What exactly is this armor for battling our spiritual foes? Let’s delve into that. Ephesians 6:14 – Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth. Truth here speaks of the Truth of God’s word. As long as we are girded in the Truth we will always walk firm, secure and confident. Ephesians 6:14b – having put on the breastplate of righteousness. The Breastplate of Righteousness guards our hearts because from it flows the issues of life (Prov 4:23) Our hearts are like storehouses and what is in them will eventually come out in how we talk or in our actions. Ephesians 6:15 – and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Jesus is our Prince of Peace who is the Word made flesh. As we condition our minds and hearts through God’s Word, we will also receive His peace and it will permeate into the lives of all those we are around during the day. Our husbands, children, co-workers, and even our bosses. Ephesians 6:16 – above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. When we accepted Christ into our lives we were all given a portion of faith. We must exercise it the same way Rocky did when he prepared for a fight. Each battle we go through in the Lord is to condition us for the next battle, giving us speed, defense, punching force, self-discipline, footwork, intelligence, grit, and accuracy. (1 Corinthians 9:26-27) Ephesians 6:17 – And take the helmet of salvation. This means changing our mindset with the word of God, reminding ourselves that we are God’s children in an army, that has a Captain leading us to complete Victory! Ephesians 6:17b – and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. The Word of God is final! But there are two ways we can use it. In Matthew 4:3-4, Jesus was led by The Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil, when He physically was hungry because he had fasted forty days and forty nights, then Satan came to tempt him telling Him “If You are the Son of God, command these stones to turn to bread.” And Jesus responded, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'” Satan came against Jesus trying to use His word against Him to deceive Him, but Jesus used it with Faith causing the devil to flee. Ephesians 6:18 – praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit. Prayer is our communication with our Trainer. He tells us what strategy to use against our contender and we follow His lead until we have complete Victory. Many want to win the battle without any preparation, but in all things, we must have self-discipline and train correctly. Rocky felt he did not need Mickey to win this fight and thought he could win with his ways and tactics. However, when he finally surrendered, he realized he did not know anything about boxing at all. The only way we are guaranteed victory against our spiritual enemy is to surrender and allow ourselves to be trained and disciplined by God’s Holy Spirit. #Spiritualfight #weapons #battle #notcarnal #Army #prepare #endurance #stamina #boxing #boxinggloves #train #Armor #greaterisHe #exercise

  • As The Deer

    King David was a man subject to passions and desires as you and I are, but the bible tells us he was a man after God’s heart. On one occasion David sings a song of praise to the Lord in gratitude for His deliverance and care for him. Expressing to his readers how God had made him to prosper in all things. Even in war, God gave him insight. Today we will dive into why it is important to align our hearts with our words through God’s Word. David says, 2 Samuel 22:33,34, “God is my strength and power, and he maketh my way perfect. He maketh my feet like hinds’ feet, and setteth me upon my high places.” Merriam-Webster dictionary defines hinds, as the female of the red deer. One of the attributes that make the Red Deer majestic is their slender bodies with long legs. They have a well-proportioned physique, allowing them to move with agility. In addition, due to their agility and swiftness, they can evade their enemies while maintaining their balance. It is the only group of deer that God made sure-footed to live the lives he planned for them. They may rightly fear their many predators, but they never fear for their feet. Their unchallenged agility can speed them away from the cheetah or the wolf and deliver them to high and safe places the climbing leopard cannot reach. The Christ-follower has his/her own kind of sure-footedness. When our feet are shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace, we can stand in places where those who try to walk barefoot (without the Gospel) through life cannot. When the Holy Spirit sounds the alarm, we can run like the wind to flee lust, outrunning any temptation that would dare pursue us. When we have climbed above the danger and outrun the enemy, “We can stand in high places, where truth stretches to the far horizons.” The Lord wants us to live a victorious life just like King David did during life’s challenges. Only the Word of God can balance us to escape the snares of our enemy. Finding harmony between the heart and words is a key to spiritual balance. Matthew 12:34b tells us “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” God made the deer agile, making them unique amongst other animals who live in the same territory. God has given us talents, weapons, and most of all His Word that makes us unique amongst all Creation. Sources Cited Steve Phifer – Worship Integrity Artistry Ministry Merriam-Webster dictionary BibleGateway #scripture #Deer #majestic #words #heart #mouth #firm #agile #bible

  • How We Can Be Uncommitted to a Committed God

    We all know someone who has gotten married and eventually found out their marriage is on the brink of falling apart. Sometimes a relationship starts to falter when one partner falls out of love and no longer gives the other the time and attention they did in the beginning. Some could ask how it is possible if they loved each other so much. Many who are unmarried fail to grasp the effort required to maintain a strong and healthy relationship. God was so committed to His creation that He sent His Only Son Jesus to die for humanity knowing that one day many would reject Him and fall out of love with Him. He knew that they would no longer want to be intimate with Him in prayer and struggle to read His love letters to them through His Word. He also knew many would cheat on Him with things that would pull their attention away from Him. He is like the Loving Spouse who wants to make things work, begging us not to leave Him, even speaking to us through sermons. Song of Solomon 2:2 reads “Like a lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.” In Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary he explains the meaning of this scripture. Jesus tells His bride the church, (Mt 10:16; Joh 15:19; 1Jo 5:19). Here, the lily represents something pure, delicate, and beautiful, while the thorns symbolize the harshness and difficulties of life. Thorns, equivalent to the wicked (2Sa 23:6; Ps 57:4). Daughters—of men, not of God; not “the virgins.” “If you are the lily of Jesus Christ, take heed lest, by impatience, rash judgments, and pride, you become a thorn”. Thorns cause pain and leave scars sometimes causing deep gashes taking a long time to heal. In our relationship with God, our initial passion may fade over time, but God continues to pursue us with unwavering love. He reminds us that He is there with open arms, waiting for us to return to Him. However, there comes a point where He may allow us to leave and search for what we desire. Being left with no peace, comfort, or love, we realize that we have made a horrible choice. He is everything we need, and the grass is not greener on the other side. Sources cited Bible Hub #JesusBride #theBride #songofSolomon #marriage #commitment #relationships #theChurch

  • Religious or Born-again

    The Merriam-Websters dictionary defines the word Christian as, “one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ”. The Bible states in James 2:19 that “demons believe also and tremble”. In Jesus’ time, there were religious leaders of Jerusalem called Pharisees who knew Scripture better than anyone in their times. These Pharisees, were hypocrites who hated the teachings of Christ because it went against their traditions, making them feel like they were losing power over the people. Jesus warned us against these types of spiritual leaders. The type of leaders who put heavy burdens on people who they themselves are not willing to carry. You could think, how is this possible if they knew the Word and led the people? Matthew 23:3-4 tells us; “Therefore, whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do. For they bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they will not move them with one of their fingers.” Being religious and keeping the traditions of man will make you judgmental and pull you far from God and His mercy. Jesus tells us in Matthew 15:7-8; “these people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.” Ask yourself how a religious person could worship God, but their hearts be far from Him? The Bible again tells us, that from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34). The Pharisees were angry if anyone didn’t keep their traditions expecting people to again do as they say. Making them judgmental to the point of almost deciding who was worthy of going to heaven and who was not, but we know this is for God to decide and not man. A born-again Christian is defined in the Merriam-Websters dictionary as one with a “renewed or confirmed commitment of faith.” In John 3:1-3 it tells us of a Pharisee named Nicodemus who was different from the rest of the spiritual leaders who knew Jesus was sent from God because of the many signs and wonders that followed Him. Jesus told Nicodemus in v.3- “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Nicodemus didn’t understand, and humbly asked Jesus to tell him the truth; “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” Nicodemus was a man who had a heart for God. He did not think about his social status or care about what people might think or say but asked on behalf of many who wonder the same thing today. Nicodemus had a renewed hope that put all his traditions to rest. This is how we can distinguish a religious person from a born-again believer. The Gospel is simple, but we make it difficult for people to enter by imposing numerous rules. Remember, Jesus didn’t come to establish a religion. He came to bring true life. All He wants is our heart (Proverbs 23:26). By giving Him our heart, we undergo an inward transformation and develop a new desire to know the Lord as the Scriptures teach. Sources Cited Merriam-Websters online dictionary. #truelife #christian #freedom #relationship #transformed #bornagain

  • The Sign of the Times

    As the days go by, we see more and more signs are coming to pass. Disasters, the hearts of humanity wax cold because of the things happening around us, and we allow fear to come into our lives.  Some of you may ask yourselves, “Is there a God that exists and cares?”. I am here to tell you there is a God in Heaven. He sees everything before we do. He loves us so much that He warned us in His word to look at the signs. Those who garden know when a fruit tree is getting ready to give its fruit, or when a flower is about to come out. He tells us in Mark 13:7 (msg) that these things would happen, but it was not yet the end. This tells us we still have time to prepare. To get our hearts right and look for God, the Giver of Eternal Life. Let’s believe God’s Living Word today, and live as if it’s our last day on earth, but not to satisfy our flesh. We have to prepare for eternity and where we want to spend it. Jesus continues to give us opportunities to make things right. So, forgive, love, and seek the Lord.

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