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This question varies based on the duration of our service to the Lord and the depth of our relationship with Him. Yet, it's a question I think we should ask ourselves every day.  “Who do we say Jesus is?” In Matthew 16:15-17, Jesus tells His disciples that many were saying, “He was John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets,” but what did Simon respond when Jesus asked him who he thought He was? I don’t think Jesus asked Peter this question because he didn’t know the answer, so Peter could understand who Jesus was in His life. Today, Jesus is asking us the same question: "Who do you say I am?"

As we begin our walk with Christ, Romans 10:9 tells us, “that if we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in our heart that God has raised Him from the dead, we will be saved.” It was important for Peter to confess Christ because believing in Him was not enough. Romans reminds us; "We have to confess with our mouths." To confess is: to declare faith in or adherence to: profess (“Confess,” [Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary]). The Bible gives us many examples of why it isn’t enough to believe, James 2:19 says, “You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!” Creation also knows who Jesus is, and He was not looking for Peter to say who he believed Jesus was, but He wanted Peter to confess who Jesus was in his life. Jesus knew that Peter’s revelation of Him was from God, as He tells Peter in Matthew 16:17, “ “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood, has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.” The word Revelation in this scripture means the Sonship of Jesus had been revealed to Simon Peter. And if it has been revealed to us, it’s because the Father has granted us access to Him (Matthew 11:27). We see Peter always acting out his thoughts, and later denying Christ three times, but his revelation of Jesus would help him to repent and later be used to win more than three thousand (3,000) souls. Do we have a solid revelation of who Jesus is in our lives? Can we boldly confess Jesus and draw others to Him, because He is real in us, or do we only believe because of what others say? As we see this world going from bad to worse our revelation of Christ must be so imprinted in our spirit, that nothing it throws at us can make us turn away from Him, ever (Romans 8:35).

If you desire to experience the true revelation of Christ in your life or if you simply want to grow closer to the Lord, I encourage you to read the Bible, pray, and fast. This will allow the life of Jesus to manifest in your life and reveal His perfect plan for you. In our journey, amidst the challenges we may encounter, we must remember that reaching the end destination requires us to achieve a genuine understanding and revelation of the Sonship of Christ residing within us. This realization will guide and strengthen us as we navigate through life's trials and tribulations. Now ask yourself again, “Who do you say Jesus is?”



New Nave’s Topical Bible


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