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Ultimate Sacrifice: Christ’s Atonement for Our Freedom

This past week we celebrated the 4th of July, and it was a bit nostalgic for me. The fireworks took me back to my childhood and to a time when the family would get together to celebrate Independence Day. A day where many celebrate freedom, but in reality, they were not. My Pastor once said, “You don’t have to be in prison to be in bondage.” Today, I want to discuss the price Jesus paid on Calvary so that you and I could enjoy a life of Spiritual Freedom.

I don’t know about you, but I gave my life to Jesus as an adult, and I came bound by many things. Not only was I enslaved by drugs and alcohol, but I was also mentally imprisoned and found no peace. Although I grew up in the “say no to drugs” era, I found myself on the other side of those videos they showed us in school. Satan, being the deceiver that he is, will tell you not to worry because you can quit whenever you want. Sadly, how many are in this world living in bondage because they too believed the same lie? The bible tells us in Mark 3:27; that no one can enter a strong man’s house and rob him unless he first binds the strong man.” Jesus explained in this parable that Satan is the strong man who guards what belongs to him, but Jesus defeated the strong man by casting him out, doing this through His death and resurrection. Now, Jesus Christ, is the Strong Man in our lives, guarding what belongs to Him, giving us access to the Father and filling our lives with peace. 1 John 3:8 tells us, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” You see true freedom comes from living a life surrendered to Him and seeking Him daily so that transformation can continue in our lives. Which strong man is living in you?

Jesus tells us in John 8:36; Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. He took it upon Himself to pay the ultimate price for our freedom. We must believe what He’s done on the cross and receive it by faith. As we celebrate our nation’s Independence Day, let us also remember the freedom we have in Christ.



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