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The Divine Blueprint

You might know someone who recently discovered that the family they had believed to be their own for their entire life is not actually their biological family. This person might have been adopted or have different biological parents, or maybe they want to purchase a DNA test to confirm biological relationships or they’re just curious about their heredity. Whether it's you or someone you know, I am here to tell you that our spiritual identity is far greater than our biological identity. God knew this would happen and He also knew many would want to know who they are and where they come from. We are blessed to have such a caring loving God who comforts us through His word. He never intended us to walk this earth feeling lost or rejected because of certain family situations.



Let’s look at what He said to the Prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart.” There are two things God wanted Jeremiah to understand, one was “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,” God’s thoughts towards Jeremiah were before anyone else on this earth thought of him. Because God is not limited to time like we are, He was in the present and thought that for His plans to come to fruition, He needed a Jeremiah. See, Jeremiah was not a coincidence, an accident, and much less a plan of his parents, but God’s will and perfect plan. Just like we are, God planned us since the creation of the world to bring forth His plans here on earth. Now, let’s look at part two of this verse, He tells Jeremiah, “Before you were born, I set you apart.” Jeremiah was raised by Godly parents, and the word was deep in his heart. Some of us were not raised this way, but that still doesn’t mean that we haven’t been set apart. We have been called to serve Him and spread the Gospel to a world that is hurting and desperate for change. This proves the intimate relationship God desires to have with Humanity. Thinking of us He had our date of birth chosen, our time of birth chosen and even our names. Yes, even our names. However, God did not tell Jeremiah this for his entertainment, but so he could understand and align his life with God’s will. God is calling us to do the same. He doesn’t care where you came from, where you were born or anything else because we all come from Him.



Our DNA is resilient and can last for weeks, but its decline over time due to external factors is inevitable. Nevertheless, our divine influence, genetic makeup, and identity come from God. We come from Him with a purpose in this life, all for His glory as mentioned in Galatians 1:15-16. Our heritage and legacy in Christ will undoubtedly make a significant difference.





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