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Mindful Living: The Role of Spiritual Discipline

If you are a part of the 60-80’s generation, then the word discipline was used very often by your parents.  We were taught that in order to succeed in life we had to discipline ourselves in school, by developing studying habits and self-denying ourselves from giving into our egocentric desires. Some of us succeeded at developing discipline while others learned the hard way. Today I’d like to talk about how important spiritual discipline is in our daily walk.


During last night's sermon, our Pastor spoke on John 11:21-26, when Martha thought that Jesus had arrived too late because Lazarus had already been dead for 4 days; however, if we look at the big picture we will see that Jesus had a greater plan for Martha. Pastor stated, “Divine delay tests the courage and patience of men.” For example: Let’s look at a person who works out and likes to maintain a good physique. What is their daily routine? Do they eat whatever they  want, lounge on the couch, without doing anything, and make statements such as: “I believe and have faith my muscles are going to come in?” Sounds ridiculous right? What must we do to achieve a great physique? We must fight, break out from our comfort zone, try hard, and sacrifice ourselves to enter a discipline to achieve the physique we desire. That’s how it is in the spirit. We say we are followers of Christ, that we believe and have faith in Him, but our attitude and walk do not align with what we profess. What is it we desire in the Lord? Do we pray and ask God to use us for His glory? I’m sure many of us are praying and asking God for this. Maybe we’ve spent years asking and nothing seems to be happening. The real question is: What are we doing while we wait for God to answer? Like Martha, the 4 days that her brother was dead felt like an eternity to her. She told Jesus, “If You had been here, my brother would not have died.” This was far from the truth though. Jesus knew and He wanted to show Martha that His way is always perfect. He tells her in John 11:23, “Your brother will rise again.” God knows our hearts and true intentions. Martha tells Him in John 11:24, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” He tells her in John 11:25-26, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” Jesus has the Life of God in Him, the same way that we as believers have the Life of Christ in us. He has the power and authority to raise anyone at any time He chooses to, including the power to raise Himself from the dead. Jesus wants us to trust in His time, not ours. Meanwhile, we must discipline ourselves to believe and live out in faith what we know to be truth in Christ. Now you may ask yourself, how can I discipline my spiritual life? Here are a few tips I’ve learned in my walk that guarantee spiritual growth and maturity. These tips have helped me to blossom into a vessel of honor to the glory of God our Father. 



Reading the Bible is more than reading it like any other book. We must separate ourselves from distractions and dive into it with an open heart. We must ask the Holy Spirit to give us understanding. I like to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to write the Word on the tablet of my heart for when I need to use it, it is available in my spiritual “Dropbox” for later use. I don’t know but this method has worked for me.



Prayer is more than a command; it is communication with our Lord. It’s having a conversation and sharing our heart with Him. For this we must be transparent. He already knows our true intentions, so pretending is just a waste of time. Start off with telling Him how much you love and appreciate Him, Hallelujah! Watch what He does!



Find time in the day to spend it alone with Him. Some people prefer spending alone time with God first thing in the morning, and for others like me, it’s in the late hours of the night when everyone is asleep. Whatever time you choose, just make sure you aren’t interrupted.



Isaiah 58 is the best description of what true fasting is. Read it in your alone time and ask God to reveal to you what He specifically wants you to fast about. That will be personal between you and God. He will confirm exactly what He is calling you to do.


As we end today, let us remember that God's timing is not the same as ours. We must take certain actions to align ourselves with receiving what God has in store for us. Successful individuals embrace responsibility for their choices and consider discipline an integral part of their lives, whether it be physical or spiritual. Once we keep practicing discipline, it will become a habit and part of our character. Amen. 




Evangelical Service Are You Alive? (Estas Vivo?) - YouTube Monday


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A sound and constant reminder to build up our relationship with God. Much like any of our other relationships, it takes work.

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