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Fighting Negative Thoughts: Easy Steps for a Peaceful Mind

Many of us struggle with negative thoughts that invade our minds daily. We lie awake in bed, our thoughts racing in circles, filled with worry, fear, and chaos—replacing the peaceful and joyful thoughts we once felt. Even if we’ve surrendered these burdens to God, it often seems that the enemy finds a way back into our minds, reigniting the battle. How many of you have felt like it’s a losing fight at times? Today, I want to share two types of gardens: one where the devil sows seeds of discouragement and the other where the Spirit of God plants seeds of peace and joy.

We can all agree that God’s mercies are new every morning. Yet, we also have an enemy who seeks to attack us at every turn, planting seeds of discouragement in our minds. We might hear whispers telling us how “unworthy” we are or that “we are not loved.” These thoughts are like weeds in our gardens, choking the beauty in our hearts—lies that God did not plant.

Recently, I spoke with a family member about the trees in our garden. They shared how spiders outside were spinning webs on the branches, causing the trees to suffer.

What should we do when these thoughts invade our minds? Do we entertain them? Do we agree with the lie, saying, “Yes, I am not loved”? When we do this, we open the door of our hearts to these negative influences, risking the beautiful fruit God has planted. We must take action to remove these pests, just as we would clear cobwebs from trees to ensure they bear good fruit. But what if I told you we can cultivate a different kind of garden? Imagine a garden overflowing with beautiful fruit, lovingly sown by the Spirit of God. Picture your mind filled with thoughts that are noble, pure, and uplifting—a space where love nourishes our garden, allowing truths to flourish. The battle for our minds is very real; many struggle daily, and some have lost their way because they didn’t know how to cultivate their thoughts and protect themselves from those destructive pests. But we can overcome this challenge by watering our minds with God’s Word. The Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things.” These are the seeds we are called to sow in the fertile soil of our souls.


Let’s take a moment to examine our thoughts and identify any pests that may be trying to thrive and suffocate our fruit. Write down the thoughts that often come to mind. Now, hold them up to the light of Truth—God’s Word. Ask yourself: Do these thoughts reflect what is true in God? Are they praiseworthy? If they don’t meet these criteria, it’s time to remove them, just like we would with pests in our garden.


We need to actively eliminate these harmful thoughts. If they are true, praiseworthy, and pure, then we can trust God in prayer, believing that He is working all things out for our good. When we compare our thoughts to God’s Word, as instructed in Philippians 4:8, we embrace a new way of thinking that leads to true joy and a peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). It’s time to be diligent gardeners, cultivating only those thoughts that are meant to thrive, bless us, and draw us closer to our Creator. By doing this, our minds will transform into a sanctuary of divine beauty and peace.




Having negative thoughts is always a struggle. Thank you God for allowing us to come to you in prayer so we can have you remove all those bad thoughts.

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